How Do Clients Hear about Ceres?

Several people have asked how our clients come to Ceres – the answer is in many different ways! Word of mouth is a powerful tool and many of our clients hear about us from a friend, volunteer or family member – so thank you! A great place to send someone who might want to learn more is here: Some learned about us by passing by our Sebastopol kitchen (right next to the fire station on Bodega Ave) and more and more clients are learning about Ceres from their healthcare provider.

In order to serve clients meals that will best support their health and healing, we strive to ensure that each client has a medical referral form on file (which you can find here: To help support that process, Ceres works diligently to cultivate partnerships with health clinics, hospitals, local government organizations, and other community-based organizations so we can identify and serve the clients most in need. We frequently present in the community and to healthcare providers to promote the benefits of medically tailored food, and we often see an influx of medical referrals after we share our good work.

We have active partnerships with Santa Rosa Community Health and West County Health Centers to support our perinatal program for pregnant women. Most other referrals for our Healing Meals program come from Kaiser, Petaluma Health Center, Providence Medical Group, and Sutter. Did you know that three of our board members are medical professionals affiliated with Kaiser and Providence? Many of our past board members also have ties with these organizations and have helped us develop relationships to get the word out about our services. Other great partners include the Center for Wellbeing, County of Sonoma (In Home Supportive Services, Adult Protective Services), Jewish Family and Children’s Services, Marin Community Clinics, MarinHealth, Sonoma County Indian Health Project, UCSF, and many more! Ceres is also working with organizations whose mission is to provide affordable housing for those in need—these include the Committee on the Shelterless (COTS) and EAH Housing.

As we think about our new home in southwest Santa Rosa, we will continue to build and strengthen relationships with organizations that help us serve our neighbors most in need. Do you know of any organizations who would benefit from learning about us? If so, please let us know!


Nutrition Bite: Kale


Demographics of Ceres Clients